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Formal Axiology
Formal Axiology is a specific branch of the science of Axiology. The late Dr. Robert S. Hartman developed this science between 1930 and 1973. It is a unique social science because it is the only social science that has a one to one relationship between a field of mathematics (transfinite set calculus) and its dimensions. While logic also has this relationship, it is usually not considered a social science. Formal Axiology also differs from other social sciences in that it is deductive. Deductive sciences begin with theorems and move to specific, measurable manifestations, applications, and predictions. The job of the scientist in a deductive science is to test the theorems against measurable reality. Physicists, Mathematicians, Doctors, Statisticians, and Engineers are always comparing the implications and applications of their theorems to reality. Formal Axiologists do the same. All other branches of the Social Sciences (Philosophy, Psychology, Anthropology, Sociology, etc.) are inductive. Inductive sciences begin with specifics gained through observation, move to general conclusions that are based on observations of populations or groups, and then move back to specifics.

Formal Axiology's being deductive can be compared to the measurement of motion in the Physical Sciences. Galileo observed and identified three dimensions that were consistent with motion. He also found a mathematics that had characteristics that corresponded to the dimensions of motion. From this one-to-one relationship, he developed a mathematical formula for measuring and describing the motion of an object. From this formula anyone, anywhere, could describe and compare objects in motion. The result was "Velocity equals Distance over Time". In Galileo's day this was revolutionary for motion had always been described relatively: "He was going fast.” "Motion is the potentiality of energy.” "Actually, I was quite quick!”

Because of Galileo's discovery and the work of many scientists that followed, we have a deductive Physical Science that enables us to land a man on the moon or to state with certainty that 36 miles per hour in China is faster than 34 miles per hour in New York. Because of Dr. Hartman's work, we are able to state objectively that Mr. X in Japan is attentive to the uniqueness of others and is utilizing 90% of his potential in valuing others uniquely, while Mrs. J in Ohio is attentive to practical aspects and is using 92% of her potential.

An example of the process of an inductive science would be trying to predict buying behavior of a sub-group of American, male executives between the ages of 33 and 48, making more than $75,000. A person fitting in this group would have probabilities assigned to certain other observed behaviors that are consistent with a certain percentage of the members of this group. So through inductive reasoning we would be able to assert there is a 50% chance that the given individual found in this group drives a leased BMW or Mercedes Benz. This is a beneficial discipline, for it permits social scientists to develop general understanding of certain groups and populations. Its limitation is that every aspect of this measurement is relative to the other aspects. This results in the applications being culturally and temporarily limited.

Dr. Hartman's development of Formal Axiology is as revolutionary for the Social Sciences as Galileo's was for the Physical Sciences. From his studies of more than 35 cultures and how the people of those cultures assign value, Dr. Hartman discovered the three Dimensions of Value. Being a genius in Mathematics, he was aware of a mathematical system that had corresponding properties to the value dimensions he discovered. By joining the mathematics and the Dimensions of Value, he created an objective deductive science that measures how people value their world and themselves.
More About The Dimensions of Value
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